Recent news:
Congratulations Anna Pun for publishing the paper Demazure crystals and the Schur positivity of Catalan functions in Inventiones Mathematicae.
Congratulations Matt Junge and Pablo Soberón for receiving an NSF CAREER Awards! What a year!

Matthew Junge
Associate Professor
CUNY: Baruch College and the Graduate Center
Interested in discrete probability.

Anna Pun
Assistant Professor
CUNY: Baruch College and the Graduate Center
Interested in Algebraic combinatorics and Discrete Mathematics. Personal website.

Rados Radoicic.
Full professor.
CUNY: Baruch College.
Interested in ???. Also part of Baruch's Financial Math group.
Adam Sheffer
Associate Professor
CUNY: Baruch College and the Graduate Center
Interested in algebraic methods in discrete geometry and additive combinatorics. Personal webpage. Math Blog.

Rados Radoicic.
Full professor.
CUNY: Baruch College.
Interested in ???. Also part of Baruch's Financial Math group.
Guy Moshkovitz
Assistant Professor
CUNY: Baruch College and the Graduate Center
Interested in extremal combinatorics and applications to Theoretical Computer Science. Personal webpage.

Rados Radoicic
CUNY: Baruch College
Interested in geometric graph theory. Also part of Baruch's financial math group. Personal website.

Pablo Soberon
Associate Professor
CUNY: Baruch College and the Graduate Cetner
Interested in the interaction between combinatorics, algebraic topology and linear algebra. Personal webpage.